Digital marketer by day. designer by night. exclamation point enthusiast the entire time.

i tell my dad i am a Creative communicator.

He, in turn, tells his friends that I get paid for clicking around on the computer. Which is pretty much what I do as a digital marketer.

i am a designer. not the best. not the worst. Definitely the funniest.

Hi! I’m Sarah Butler or Beezy for short. I have an affinity for glitter, exclamation points, and digital marketing. Having just been laid off (I know… I love that for me!), I’m in search of my next role!

  • B2B Marketing is my 9-5. Beezy Designs is my 5-9. And my bedtime is 9:05.

  • Does this website count? I’m a self-taught designer who is uniquely positioned to conceptualize and also execute my own campaigns.. A digital marketing jack-knife if you will.

  • When it strikes me, I offer pro-bono interior design services for the people I love. Including my husband. Click here to see our Bae-ch House.

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